(...) the audience of the Marseille Opera graced the Compagnie Julien Lestel with a prolonged ovation, so as to express the intense emotion provoked by this admirably aesthetic show.
Danse, Philippe Oualid
Julien Lestel renews the genre completely (...) it is as if you were reading Tristes Tropiques by Claude Lévi-Strauss. (...) Julien Lestel has imagined impressive scenes (...).
Danser, Michel Odin
If we list more than fifty choreographic pieces to this score, only a few will remain in the annals of dance. Julien Lestel's is one of them.
Critiphotodanse, Jean Marie Gourreau
Julien Lestel relies on traditional Malanesian culture as a support and retains all the original depth of this cult piece, with the score of Igor Stravinsky.
La Provence,